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Kora Noire  Asuelu

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DR. KORA NOIRE ASUELU rezzed into SL in 2013. Being an active player within SL Community, she never thought that she would be so blessed to be called a doctor, a mother, a daughter, sister, and soror of Delta Kappa Xi.

For those who knew and loved Kora, she hated conflict, but she was not afraid to say how she felt and what she was thinking when the timing was just right. This beautiful, patient and a caring woman was pretty laid back; however, she could be a bit savage at times. She loved to dance and it was known that music was her heart and soul. Kora had another love for horror movies which she found to be quite amazing and entertaining. 

Kora's family was everything to her. When she spoke of "family" bot only was she referring to the Noire-Asuelu family but her sorority sisters were included. She was very protective of everyone she cared for. Her precious memories will forever be cherished and linger in the hearts of her family, sorority sisters, and friends.


You will be missed our sisboo, sispop, chicken nugget, my twin, my bestie, thickums, mini, midget, big head, kora boo, etc. You will be missed immensely.

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